School for Environmental Education, located at Iguassu National Park.
The school was built in 1962 with funds from the Pinho National Institute. It began operations in 1963 as a public school serving children of workers and farmers in the vicinity of the park. In 1998, due to the small number of students, the school had become unsustainable and was closed down and handed over to IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources).
The School of Environment Education of Iguassu National Park – Escola Parque, was inaugurated in 2000. It is responsible for the development and implementation of the environmental education program in the protected area. It aims to encourage attitudes in favor of the conservation of the environment and the biodiversity in the Park.
The projects carried out are listed below and have the support of partners such as municipalities, park concessionaries and sponsors.
Project “Knowing the Iguassu National Park”
The project is aimed at schools, universities, ONGs, groups of mothers, senior citizens and others who are interested in learning about the protected area and enhancing the knowledge the region has to offer by using tools of environmental education.
It seeks to inform and sensitize the visitors, relating to society, culture and nature. The groups are received by the team of educators from Escola Parque. During the activities, the group passes through Escola Parque, where they experience the contact with nature through informative activities and environmental awareness.
Information of scheduled visits must be made through the Head Offices of the Iguassu National Park, with Mr. Jorge Luiz Pegoraro, email
Project “Park Residents”
In September 2007, Escola Parque created the project Residents of the Park, in order to improve the relations between the residents and the conservation area.
Project “Participation Management in Iguassu National Park”
The Advisory Council of the Iguassu National Park was founded in 2009. The CONPARNI is formed by a group of 37 representatives of civil societies, the government and communities connected to the Park. It aims to organize, inform and give suggestions to the various activities related to the Park.
Project “Environment Week”
Since 2007, the staff of the Iguassu National Park celebrates Environment Week with activities that include the surrounding communities, visitors and employees of the Park.
Project “Volunteer Program of the Iguassu National Park”
At the beginning of each year, registration for enrolling in academic colleges of the region begins. It consists in participating in a 20 hour course and subsequently going through a screening process to work throughout the year as volunteers in various sectors of the Park.
Project “Blue Sky ECO-TRAIL”
The Eco-trail is located at the Blue Sky Information and Control Station (PIC). The trail starts at the PIC and continues 800 meters long into the park. The visits are made by prior appointment through the offices and they are monitored by environmental volunteers.
Project “Young Residents of Iguassu National Park”
In 2011, Escola Parque started a project with a group of 9 young residents from the Park in Foz do Iguassu. Their goal was a better integration between the park management and the residents.
“Environmental Education Course in Protected Areas – PAs”
The course on Environmental Education in PA proposes to sensitize and guide teachers, community members and neighboring residents the Iguassu National Park, in order to involve the public in the management of the Park and making decisions regarding this important protected area and its surroundings.
Mariele Borro Mucciatto
Cristine Kaori Suemasu
Franciéle Guilhardi
Daniela Bartnicki
Phone: 55 (45) 3521 8357
Fax: 55 (45) 3521 8377
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