Benefits that provide the Iguassu Falls for the residents surrounding the Iguassu National Park.
Community Pass
The residents from Foz do Iguassu and other municipalities neighboring the Iguassu National Park have a 90% discount in the general admissions ticket, as well as discount in parking and transportation to the Park.
The benefits are granted upon registration prior to the service at the Community Pass counter. Registration is individual and requires proof of residence.
Documents accepted as proof of residence and registration:
Water Bill: Issued by Sanepar stating the address of the holder
Light Bill: Issued by Copel stating the address of the holder
Landline Bill: Issued by any landline telephone company in the country stating the address of the holder
Voter’s registration: in which the electoral address is one of the municipalities benefited
Worker’s Registration: It must contain current employment contract with a company established in the municipalities benefited
Student Card: Issued by a school located in one of the municipalities benefited
Functional card and/or proof of income of government employee: there shall be stocking from the municipalities benefited
License and registration of a vehicle: the document must include the address of the holder in the municipalities benefited.
Enrollment statement: it must mention the name of the school’s municipality. The statement must include a letterhead and signature of the person responsible
Invoice from a Mobile Telephone company with a post-paid contract;
Collection slips from Private or Public Banking Institutions;
Term of Office/Possession of Government Employees;
Id badges of employees from the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (PTI);
Proof of income/Paychecks of employees from private companies;
Extracts of Guarantee Funds for Length of Service (FGTS)
The proof of residence must be dated within a maximum of 180 (one hundred and eighty) day period.
Note: The benefit may be extended to spouse and/or children (under 18 yrs.) of the visitor who proves his residence in the municipality benefited. For that, he must present a marriage certificate or a declaration of stable union issued by a Public Notary and/or document that proves affiliation.
The registration is individual and any document must be presented with an identity card. Online sales are not available.
MUNICIPIPALIES NEIGHBORING THE IGUASSU NATIONAL PARK WITH COMMUNITY PASS BENEFIT: Capanema, Capitão Leônidas Marques, Céu Azul, Foz do Iguaçu, Lindoeste, Matelândia, Medianeira, Ramilândia, Santa Lucia Santa, Tereza do Oeste, Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, São Miguel do Iguaçu, Serranopolis do Iguaçu and Vera Cruz do Oeste.
Adults (ages12 and up) - R$ 10,50
Children (ages 2 to 11) - R$ 5,50
Seniors (ages 60 and up) - R$ 5,50
Parking: - R$ 9,50
RULES FOR THE GRANT OF THE COMMUNITY PASS – Service Bulletin Chico Mendes Institute nº 07, dated 07/06/2009
ICMBio – Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation
Fone: 55 (45) 3521 8383