Transport in the Iguassu National Park

Buses provide passengers comfort without harming the environment


Learn how the transport of the Iguassu National Park works


The transportation of the visitors within the park is done by means of modern articulated and double-deck panoramic buses, which provide a broad overview of the park’s natural beauty. Throughout the journey, the visitors can enjoy nature most exuberant views. They are able to see, feel and fully live the experience of this World Heritage Site. 

The public transportation system combines technology, comfort and respect for the environment. It can carry large numbers of tourists causing low vehicles traffic and thus reducing emissions and the trampling of animals.

Accessibility is also one of the characteristics of the vehicles adapted to facilitate boarding and disembarking of those with physical limitations. Through the load speaker on the bus, information is being transmitted during the trip regarding tour options and services available to visitors. 



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Centro de visitantesTransporte. Foto: Alysson Borges.Trilhas. Foto: Alysson Borgeslojas Foto: Alysson Borges.deck porto canoas. Foto: Alysson Borges.Restaurante porto canoas. Foto: Alysson Borges.